Boursin Button Mushrooms Recipe

I can guarantee that if you are a) a steadfast mushroom fan OR b) the complete and resolute opposite… you will love this recipe.

It’s four steps (clean, stuff, drizzle, roast) and the total cooking time (10 measly minutes) will have you serving these babies up faster than you can say YUM.


makes ~20 mushroom caps

  • 1 package of baby Bella, crimini or white mushrooms (should yield about 20 mushrooms
  • 1 Boursin cheese round, garlic and herb variety
  • shredded parmesan cheese
  • balsamic vinegar

preheat your oven to 400 degrees. wipe off mushrooms with damp paper towel and snap off the stem to create little mushroom bowls.

line a sheet pan with tin foil and spray with cooking spray. take a small spoonful of Boursin cheese and stuff each mushroom, placing on baking sheet when stuffed. top each with a little parmesan cheese, then bake for 10-12 minutes or until cheese has melted.

drizzle mushrooms with a tiny bit of balsamic vinegar and serve warm!


  1. best mushroom recipe!

  2. I've done something similar, but cook some pork sausage, melt in the boursin…then stuff!

  3. A great recipe, thank you. My family liked this dish.

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